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The range of products

Well-being at your fingertips


Food Supplements

Forever offers a range of unique dietary supplements to take care of you on a daily basis, as well as those you love.

Optimize your natural defenses .

The gut is considered our "second brain". Taking care of your intestinal flora therefore not only preserves your digestion but also keeps your morale high!



Made from whole leaves harvested and shelled by hand, Aloe Vera pulp is 99.7% concentrated.

Aloe Vera contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system .

Source of antioxidants, it protects cells and tissues from oxidation .

Thanks to its richness in vitamin C, this formula helps reduce fatigue and helps maintain energy metabolism.


How much pulp to consume? 

It depends on your needs. To maintain good health, the recommended amount is 90 ml per day.


What does Aloe Vera do for the skin?

  • Hydration
    The richness in polysaccharides of Aloe Vera gives it a strong moisturizing power and good penetration for the epidermis.
    Good skin hydration delays skin aging;

  • Regeneration
    Aloe Vera promotes skin renewal. It also has antiseptic properties. All these effects contribute to a good regeneration of the skin but also to a good healing.

  • soothing
    Because of its anti-inflammatory and analgesic actions, Aloe Vera is widely used on burns and insect bites, nettles or jellyfish.

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